Services may be ordered through the Exhibitor Resource Center (ERC), booth assignment and login are required.
Exhibitor Resource Center (ERC)
Access to Personal Data
In connection with its participation in the Event, Exhibitor may have access to the personal data of members of WEF or participants in the Event. Exhibitor agrees that it shall be solely responsible for compliance with any applicable data protection laws and regulations in connection with such data including, but not limited to, the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) and the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulations (“GDPR”).
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Adequate Booth Space
All exhibitors must adhere to WEF’s Display Guidelines and rent adequate Exhibit Space to accommodate their planned product display and shall arrange the displays to utilize only the Exhibit Space area contracted for, to recognize the rights of other exhibitors and exhibition visitors, and to conform to the overall pattern developed by Event. No exhibit may interfere with the use of other exhibits, impede access to other exhibits, or impede the free use of the aisles between exhibits.
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Agreement to Conditions
Each Exhibitor, for themselves or their employees, agrees to abide by the Rules and Regulations, and by subsequent amendments or additions, understanding and agreeing that the sole control of the Exhibit Hall rests within WEF.
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Aisle space shall not be used for exhibit purposes, display signs, solicitation, or distribution of promotional material. Exhibits, signs, and displays are also prohibited in any of the common public spaces on the premises of the meeting facilities or in the guest rooms, lobbies, or hallways of the hotels. WEF also prohibits non-approved publications and/or advertising in any of the common public spaces on the premises of the meeting facilities or in the guest rooms, lobbies, or hallways of the hotels.
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Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Exhibitors shall be responsible for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act regarding their booth space, including, but not limited to wheelchairir access. More information available on the Americans with Disabilities Act website.
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Trained/certified service animals are welcome at McCormick Place. Comfort animals are not classified or recognized by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as service animals. The owner or handler is responsible for the animal(s) at all times, Animals must receive regularly scheduled breaks to be relieved and must be removed from the facility at the end of each day.
Exhibiting animals (domestic and exotic) must adhere to the following procedures and guidelines:
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Balloons and other Decorations
Helium-filled ballons and similar objects must be secured and cannot be distributed. If balloons escape, a removal fee will be charged at the exhibitor’s expense.
Mylar balloons are prohibited due to their effect on the fire detection systems.
Materials cannot be taped, nailed, tacked, stapled or otherwise fastened to ceilings, doors, floors, columns, painted surfaces, fabric or decorative walls. Damage resulting from improper and/or unauthorized installation of materials will result in a fee.
Glitter is prohibited. Pressure-adhesive stickers, decals, or similar promotional items cannot be distributed or sold in the facility.
All materials must be made of fire-retardant materials as specified in the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Fire Codes
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Booth Personnel Registration
Exhibitor’s register via the Exhibitor Resource Center (ERC). Booth space must be paid in full before you can access your registration dashboard. If you are unsure of your payment status, visit the ERC. Please review the information below before registering.
Maritz Global Event (MGE)
The official registration and lead retrieval provider for WEFTEC 2025. Through the Registration Portal you can register for badges and choose how you want them delivered, download attendee lists, and order lead retrieval.
Primary Contact
Each Exhibitor must designate a person to act as the Primary Contact for their company. The Primary Contact is responsible for registering the Exhibitor’s Booth Personnel and the only person authorized to make changes or substitutions to badges, download lists and order retrieval via the exhibitor booth personnel registration dashboard.
Badge Allotment and Cost – Exhibitors can purchase badges over and above their allotment. Pricing will be available Summer 2025
Badge Delivery Options – Exhibitors can choose to have their badges delivered at their expense. Delivery options will be available during the exhibitor registration portal.
Badge Access
The Exhibitor Badge allows exhibitors access to the Exhibit Hall and Technical Sessions.
Pre-Conference Workshops, Facility Tours, the WEF Community Service Project, and Jammin'4 Water are optional events and require an additional fee.
Badge Changes/Cancellations
There is no fee to cancel or replace names to a registration within the Exhibitor’s complimentary registration allotment.
Refund requests – Available Summer 2025
Badge Pickup – Available Summer 2025
Exhibit booths must always be attended and maintained by at least one exhibitor or exhibitor representative during all exhibit hours. All representatives of the exhibitor must be registered and badged to be admitted to the exhibit hall and participate in the exhibitor’s booth.
Exhibitors must abide by the WEFTEC Code of Conduct and Terms and Conditions.
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Booth Share
The Exhibitor may request one or more Booth Shares if Exhibitor has rented a Booth Space of 200 square feet or larger. The primary contracted exhibitor must hold enough space to allow each company to be represented in a booth space of at least 100 square feet per company. Booth Shares may be requested by submitting a Booth Share application and paying in full the listed fee for each request. Booth Shares must be approved by the primary contracted exhibitor. Shares will only be approved by WEF if the companies submitted are legally related to the primary exhibiting company and must have a parent or child relationship with the primary exhibitor. Only primary exhibiting companies are awarded priority points for their exhibiting participation. Booth share companies are not awarded priority points for their exhibiting participation.
Information regarding Booth Share Personnel registration coming Spring 2025
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Booth Staging
In addition to equipment and furniture placed within a booth space, Exhibitors can stage the following items:
The following restrictions must be observed when staging these additional items:
Fire Safety personnel will patrol the exhibit area. Exhibitors who violate the restrictions will be issued a written notice and must rectify the violation.
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WEF requires all exhibitors to provide flooring for their booth, with the exception for exhibitors in the Innovation Showcase and Discovery Zone.
Carpet/Flooring must cover the entire booth space in one continuous piece. Interlocking flooring is permitted. Stick-on flooring is prohibited. Exhibitors may not use adhesive to adhere items to the floor. Show Management reserves the right to force carpet booths without carpet or flooring on Sunday, September 28, 2025.
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Camera & Filming
No photography or electronic capture is permitted in session rooms.
No photography or electronic capture of an exhibit booth is permitted without the permission of the exhibitor. Photos or recordings taken without the exhibitor’s permission must be relinquished and/or deleted. Media companies or representatives contracted to film or photograph an exhibit booth on behalf of an exhibitor, must complete the WEFTEC Camera Policy for Media form by August 15, 2025, and submit it to
Exhibitor grants WEF an exclusive, royalty-free, non-revocable license to WEF to use the photographs, videos, or other likenesses taken by employees or agents of WEF at WEFTEC in any and all media of any and all nature, now or hereafter developed, including but not limited to print and electronic media, in and for all languages, for WEF’s educational and promotional purposes throughout the entire World.
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Cancellation and No-Show Policy
All Exhibit Space deposits and payments become the sole property of WEF and their is subject to the cancellation and refund provisions as follows:
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Cancellation of the Event
Exhibitor acknowledges and agrees WEF may cancel, delay, shorten, modify in format the Event for any reason including those beyond its control including, but not limited to, acts of God, shortage of commodities or supplies to be furnished by the facility, infectious or communicable diseases, governmental authority, terrorism, threats of terrorism, or war in the United States. Exhibitor understands and agrees that all losses and damages which it may suffer as a consequence thereof are its responsibility and not that of WEF, its trustees, officers, employees or agents. Exhibitor understands that it will lose all monies it has paid to WEF for Exhibit Space in the Event (no refunds will be given), as well as other costs and expenses it has incurred including, but not limited to, travel to the Event, setup, lodging, freight, banners, décor, and employee wages.
Exhibitor agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless WEF, its officers, trustees, employees, agents, and each of them, from any and all loss which Exhibitor may suffer as a result of the cancellation of or changes to the Event. Further, Exhibitor releases WEF, its trustees, officers and employees and/or agents from any and all claims including, but not limited to, lost profits, out-of-pocket costs, and indirect and/or consequential damages. The terms of this provision shall survive the termination or expiration of the Application and License.
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Catering Distribution
OVG Hospitality serves as the exclusive catering provider for the convention center. All food and beverage orders or special requests must be made through OVG no later than August 29, 2024 to ensure proper preparation.
Food and/or beverage purchased outside of the McCormick Place may not be brought into or consumed within the center.
McCormick Place and OVG are solely licensed to sell, distribute, and/or serve alcoholic beverages.
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Character and Conduct
The use of any method(s) to gain an advantage over a competitor, including but not limited to the use of such competitor’s tools or products, is strictly prohibited. Any Exhibit Space personnel or Exhibitor activities which WEF deems to be outside the character and purpose of WEF shall be subject to immediate termination of its Exhibit Space without any refund for the Exhibit Space and may also be prohibited from participating in future WEF events.
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Damage to the Building
Exhibitors are responsible for any damage(s) occurring within their assigned areas due to their negligence or actions, including those of their staff, agents, contractors, or guests, excluding normal wear and tear. It is also the exhibitor's responsibility to ensure that their staff, contractors, and agents are aware of and comply with all requirements, restrictions, and policies regarding work, signage placement, and the facility's operating guidelines.
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Dismantling of Displays (Tear Down)
Dismantling your display prior to the end of show is prohibited. Dismantling begins at the close of the show on Wednesday, October 1, at 3:30 p.m. All display items and materials must be removed from the show floor by 5:00 p.m. , Friday, October 3. Move-out hours:
Wednesday, October 1 |
3:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.* |
To ensure that all exhibit materials are removed from the show floor by the deadline, it is strongly recommended that Exhibitors have all items packed by Thursday, October 2 at 5:00 pm and that all carriers check into the Marshalling Yard by 10:00 a.m. on Friday, October 3. Freeman will not accept outbound material handling prior to show close.
*Any exhibitor that dismantles (tear down) prior to 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 1, will be penalized with the reduction of 5 priority points.
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Enclosed or Multi-level Booths (Including tents)
Detailed plans of multiple-story or enclosed booths must be submitted to no later than August 15, 2025.
Exhibit booths with a ceiling or second story must comply with the Fire Code Compliance outline:
For booth formats 1–4, must comply with the fire code items marked yes on the following table:
Fire Code Compliance
Exhibits with Multiple Levels or Ceilings
For exhibits using automatic sprinklers, the amount and type of sprinkler coverage needed depends on the booth specifications. Contact to connect with the McCormick Place Fire Safety Office.
Fire Code Items for Multiple Level Booths
Americans with Disabilities: All exhibitrs must comply with the ADA. For information on compliance, contact the McCormick Place Fire Safety
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All music and entertainment should be in good taste and not include content that is sexually explicit or verbally offensive. Show Management shall make final decisions on the acceptability of questionable booth activities.
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Equipment & Floor Load Capacity
McCormick Place’s exhibit hall flooring is made of concrete with a maximum load capacity of 400 pounds per square foot. Exhibitors with equipment that exceeds the stated weight limit must submit the below information to no later than July 8, 2024, regardless if approved in previous years.
McCormick reserves the right to require outside consultants at the exhibitor’s expense for field inspections and weight verifications.
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Monday, September 29 | 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. | 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. |
Tuesday, September 30 | 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. | 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. |
Wednesday, October 1 | 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. | No designated power hours |
Power Hours are times dedicated to visiting exhibitors and participating in product launches, equipment demonstrations, and Technology Spotlights.
*Any exhibitor that dismantles (tear down) prior to 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 1, will be penalized with the reduction of 5 priority points.
Booth Personnel, with an Exhibitor badge, are permitted to enter the exhibit hall at 7:00 a.m. each show day. Expo Only badges are not permitted in the exhibit hall during set up, tear down, or early entry hours.
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Exhibitor Displays and Product Demonstrations
The Exhibitor is solely liable for the operation of all displays and its supplied materials and agrees to indemnify and hold WEF, its officers, directors, volunteers, employees, guests, invitees, and agents harmless from any and all claims of liability arising out of Exhibitor's exhibit, demonstrations and the like. Exhibitor warrants that it has all necessary rights and licenses to all content displayed at their exhibit. In the event of a claim of infringement based on intellectual property presented by Exhibitor, Exhibitor agrees to assume full liability for such a claim.
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Fire & Safety
Fire hose cabinets, pull stations, aisles and exits must always be visible and accessible. Chairs, tables and other display equipment must be clear of all aisles, corridors, stairways and other exit areas.
Fire Retardancy
Booth construction and decoration materials must be fire retardant. It is suggested that a certificate of retardancy be available at the show to prevent the need for possible on-site testing of the material. Fabrics must pass the NFPA‐701 Code, and all other construction and decoration materials must pass the NFPA‐703 Code as well as the UL‐ 1975 test.
General guidelines for material fire retardancy include:
Open Flame
Used for illumination or decorations, such as candles, gelled alcohol fuel fire bowls, firepots or fireplaces must comply with the following:
Hazardous Materials
When designing demonstrations and displays, note that the following devices require pre‐approval by McCormick Place and the Chicago Fire Department (CFD):
Approval requests must be sent 60 days (July 28, 2025) before move‐in of the event. The request must state how the demonstration will avoid hazards to people or nearby objects. Plexiglas or similar protection is required whenever sparking may occur. Fire extinguishers will also be required.
Any chemical, substance or material deemed hazardous by OSHA requires preapproval and must be accompanied with the appropriate Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). The Fire Safety Office will need copies of the MSDS before the materials arrive.
Neither McCormick Place Housekeeping Department nor your Official Service Contractor manages hazardous material removal. It is the responsibility of the Event Organizer to hire a vendor to handle these hazardous materials.
Cooking Devices
The Water Environment Federation prohibits exhibitors from cooking in the exhibit hall.
Prohibited Materials
the following items are fire-hazardous and prohibited in McCormick Place:
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Hanging Signs
Island booths that are 600 square feet or larger are permitted to hang a sign. Sign height is restricted to a maximum height of 20 at the top of the sign. Hanging signs and graphics must be rigged directly over contracted exhibit space and may not encroach into aisle space.
Only Freeman is authorized to rig within the facility. Exhibitors requiring hanging of signs, lights, equipment, etc. must conform to Show Management Rules and Regulations and facility limitations including:
Island Booths
The maximum height for hanging signs in Island Booths is 20’ at the top of the sign. Hanging Signs and Graphics for Island Booths must be directly over contracted exhibit space only and, if rotating, may not rotate into the aisles at any time.
Shared Island Booths
The maximum height for hanging a sign is 20' at the top of the sign. Hanging Signs and Graphics for Shared Island Booths must be set back 5’ (1.52 meters) from the shared 8' high drape line.
Any sign or equipment that does not meet the stated requirements must be reviewed and approved by the Director of Exhibition Operations.
All hanging signs must be shipped to the advanced warehouse. Shipping labels can be downloaded from the Exhibitor Service Manual.
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Haze/Fog/Smoke Machines
The level of fog/smoke used as part of an event may set off the fire alarm system. To eliminate this fire safety issue, McCormick Place restricts usage of fog/smoke machines to water-based chemicals. The Fire Safety Department must obtain advance approval. A copy of the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) covering the machine along with an outline of where it will be used, and a schedule including rehearsal and show times must be given to your Event Manager for review.
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Indemnification and Insurance
Exhibitor agrees to indemnify, defend and hold the Water Environment Federation, its directors, officers, agents, representatives and employees, and each of them, Oak View Group, Owner, Chicago Park District, other Event vendors, and their respective facilities, agents, trustees, officers, board members and employees harmless against all claims, losses, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses (including attorneys’ fees), damages to persons or property and governmental charges or fines arising out of or caused by: (i) the installation, removal, maintenance, occupancy or use of the Event premises or any part thereof; (ii) the performance or the breach of any term of this Application and License, applicable laws and regulations, policies, or directives of WEF; or (iii) the negligence, gross negligence or willful misconduct of Exhibitor, its employees, agents or contractors. The terms of this provision shall survive the termination or expiration of this Application and License.
Exhibitor must maintain Worker’s compensation and employer’s liability insurance in full compliance of all Federal and State laws covering all employees and Independent Contractors.
The Exhibitor must maintain and provide proof of insurance issued by an insurance company duly authorized to conduct business in the State of Illinois and with an A.M. Best rating of A:VIII or better. Insurance policies issued outside of the United States cannot be accepted. Comprehensive General Liability or Commercial General Liability and Automobile Insurance must name the following Additional Insureds: Water Environment Federation, Oak View Group, Owner, Chicago Park District, and their facilities, agents, trustees, officers, board members and employees.
Additional insurance protecting exhibitor’s assets and property brought to the exhibit is recommended.
Proof of insurance must be provided to WEF by August 29, 2025, via email to or postal mail to Exhibition Operations, Water Environment Federation, 601 Wythe Street, Alexandria, VA 22314. Faxed copies will not be accepted.
Failure to provide required proof of insurance may incur sanctions imposed on Exhibitor including, but not limited to, forfeiture of Exhibit Space at the Event without refund or prohibition of Exhibitor at any future WEF event.
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Installation of Displays (Move-in)
Installation is based on a target schedule detailed in the Exhibitor Service Manual. A target move-in date and time is assigned to each company and refers to the date and time the exhibitor may schedule on-site freight delivery. Exhibitors are not required to begin setting up on their target move-in date, but this is the first day they CAN begin. If you need to change your date and time, contact the person listed on the Target Freight Move-in Schedule.
All displays must be completed by 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, September 28. Move-in hours:
Wednesday, September 24 | 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. |
Thursday, September 25 | 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. |
Friday, September 26 | 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. |
Saturday, September 27 | 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. |
Sunday, September 28 | 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. |
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Limitation of Liability
In no event shall the exhibit facility, WEF, and their owners, managers, officers or directors, agents, employees, independent contractors, subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively “WEF parties”) be liable to the exhibitor or any third party hired by or otherwise engaged by the exhibitor for any lost profits or any other indirect, special, punitive, exemplary, incidental or consequential damages, including attorneys’ fees and costs, arising out of this application and license or connected in any way with use of or inability to use the services outlined in this application and license or for any claim by exhibitor, even if any of the WEF parties have been advised, are on notice, and/or should have been aware of the possibility of such damages. Exhibitor agrees that the WEF parties’ sole and maximum liability to exhibitor regardless of the circumstances shall be the refund of the exhibit space fee. Exhibitor agrees to indemnify and defend the WEF parties from any claims brought by a third party hired by or engaged by the exhibitor for any amount beyond the exhibit space fee. Further, exhibitor agrees to pay all attorney’s fees and costs incurred by WEF parties arising out of or in any way related to this application and exhibit. Exhibitor shall be solely responsible for its attorney’s fees and costs.
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Lighting & Sound
Booth Lighting
Exhibitors should adhere to the following guidelines when determining booth lighting:
Sound in Booths
Public address systems are not permitted. The noise level from any demonstration or sound system should be kept to a minimum and should not interfere with others. Any speakers must be directed into the middle of the exhibitor’s booth space. The Water Environment Federation reserves the right to determine at what point sound constitutes interference with others and must be discontinued.
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Line of Sight
Inline Booths
Inline Booths are also known as Linear Booths and have neighboring exhibitors on the immediate right and left, leaving only the front exposed to the aisle.
Corner Booths
Corner Booths have one neighboring exhibitor on the right or left, leaving the front and one side exposed to the aisle.
Perimeter Booths
Perimeter booths are inline booths against a wall.
Island Booths
Island Booths are exposed to aisles on all four sides and must be 20’ x 20’ or larger.
Shared Islands
Shared Island booths share a common back wall with a neighboring exhibitor.
Any booth that deviates from the above guidelines must submit drawings to by August 15, 2025.
Additional Line of Sight Guidelines
All exhibit display elements, including opening doors, moving display parts, hanging signs, etc. must always be entirely within the confines of the cubic content of the booth space and may not overhang or rotate into the aisle at any time.
Pipe & Drape
Exhibitors whose booths are set with pipe and drape (Inline, Corner, Perimeter, and Shared Island) are permitted to use the pipe only to hang items comparable to the existing drape such as a similar drape or a banner. No other use of either the pipe or drape is permitted.
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Local Laws
Exhibitor shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations including, but not limited to, those relating to health and safety, as well as WEF directives relative to number of persons in their Exhibitor Space, social distancing, face coverings, and any other directives issued by WEF to Exhibitor.
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Minors Visiting the Exhibit Hall
People under the age of 18 are not permitted in the exhibit hall during move-in or move-out:
People under the age of 18 may visit the exhibit hall after being issued a badge, and under the supervision of a badged adult during WEFTEC’s open hours:
Children in strollers or carriers are permitted when under the direct supervision of a badged adult. The badged adult assumes all risks and responsibilities for the safety of the minor. Visit Attendee Customer Service in the convention center to obtain a badge for a minor.
WEF reserves the right to deny access or remove anyone it deems a disruption or safety risk.
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Official Service Contactor
Freeman is the official service contractor for WEFTEC for booth services including shipping, material handling, booth furnishings, flooring, and most utilities. The Exhibitor Service Manual will include all service contractors and order forms.
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Payment and Refunds
Assignment of Exhibit Space is contingent upon WEF’s acceptance of this Application and License and its receipt of payment from Exhibitor in accordance with the payment schedule set forth below.
Advance Sales
For Exhibitors which have been notified by WEF that they are eligible for Advance Sales and reserve Exhibit Space on or before October 9, 2024, payment due as follows:
General Sales
For other Exhibitors which are not designated by WEF for Advance Sales, or Exhibitors designated by WEF for Advance Sales but do not reserve Exhibit Space on or before October 9, 2024, payment due as follows:
Once final payment is received, Exhibit Space will be confirmed. If final payment for any Exhibit Space is not received by WEF by April 30, 2025, WEF has the right to immediately release the selected Exhibit Space and to retain all payments made to it by the Exhibitor. Exhibitors which paid fees by credit card may not challenge cancellation fees charged to such credit card for cancellation fees as set forth in this provision.
WEF Exhibitor Membership
Exhibitor is eligible for the Exhibitor Member Rate if Exhibitor has a paid WEF Exhibitor Membership at the time of billing and continuously through the last date of the Event.
Exhibitor Membership is valid for the calendar year and expires on December 31 each year. For Advance Sales, if 2025 Exhibitor Membership is not renewed or activated by January 31, 2025, the Exhibit Space Fee will be changed to the non-member rate and the Exhibitor is responsible to pay the full Exhibit Space Fee at the non-member rate.
For the general sales period, applicants who request the Exhibitor Member Exhibit Space rate, whether current 2024 Exhibitor Members or new, must have an active (paid) 2025 Exhibitor Membership to be assigned at the Exhibitor Member rate. Exhibit Space applications requesting the Exhibitor Member Exhibit Space rate will not be assigned until the 2025 Exhibitor Membership is renewed/activated.
Active Exhibitor membership must be maintained to retain the exhibitor member rate.
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Priority Point Policy
Dismantling your display prior to end of show Wednesday, October 1 at 3:30 p.m. is not permitted. Any exhibitor that tears down early will receive a penalty of 5 priority points.
WEFTEC exhibit space is assigned according to an exhibitor’s earned priority points during onsite (advance) sales, second advance round, and during booth moves. During general sales, contracts received are assigned space on a date-received basis.
Priority points can be earned as follows:
Exhibitors may lose 1 point per infraction for failure to adhere to show policy such as exhibitor display out of compliance with show regulations. Exhibitors will lose 5 points per infraction for early tear-down.
All accrued points will be removed from an exhibitor’s record if the exhibitor misses two consecutive WEFTEC shows.
Mergers and Acquisitions: When a WEFTEC exhibiting company is part of a merger or acquisition, the acquired company may transfer its higher priority points to the acquiring company. To do so, legal documentation must be presented to WEF that shows all assets were sold to the acquiring company, including booth points. Once received, WEF can transfer the points to the acquiring company. The new points will supersede the acquiring company’s existing points, if any. Points cannot be combined.
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Federal, state, and local laws heavily regulate drawings, lotteries, and/or contests that have prize giveaways. The laws of each state and location vary widely. Each Exhibitor is solely responsible to ensure that all giveaways, contests, drawings, etc. conducted as part of its exhibit comply with all federal, state, and local laws. The Exhibitor agrees that it is solely responsible and liable for any government action or legal claims, fees, penalties, or charges brought relating to the Exhibitor’s promotional giveaway activities.
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Reservation of Right to Make Changes
Any matters not specifically covered in this document are subject to decision by WEF. WEF reserves the right to make changes, amendments and additions to these rules and regulations as considered available for the proper conduct of the exposition, with the provision that all exhibitors will be advised of any such change.
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Resolutions of Disputes
In the event that there is a dispute or disagreement between an exhibitor and an official contractor or another exhibitor(s) or labor union/representative, all interpretations of the Rules and Regulations managing the exposition, actions or decisions concerning the dispute by show management intended to resolve the dispute will be binding on the exhibitor.
Show Management reserves the right to remove exhibitors, employees, or representatives and/or remove a booth in cases of disorderly conduct without refund to the exhibitor.
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WEF shall provide security for the Exhibit Hall from September 22, 2025 – October 3, 2025, but WEF does not guarantee, nor insure the Exhibitor against loss of any kind for its Exhibit Space by any reason thereof. WEF, the official service contractor, and McCormick Place do not maintain insurance covering an Exhibitor’s property. It is the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor to obtain the appropriate amount and type of insurance to cover its property, agents or employees from theft, damage by fire, accident or any other cause. WEF will not be responsible for any injury that may occur at Event and/or any Exhibit Space, and/or to Exhibitor’s employees, contractors, or agents, or for the loss of, or damage to, any material from any cause whatsoever, whether in transit to or from, and/or during the Event, regardless of whether WEF furnishes attendants, guards or night watchpersons.
Security is provided in the exhibit hall and public areas at WEFTEC primarily to control access and to serve as an overall deterrent. Guards are not specifically contracted to watch over each exhibiting company's booths and goods. Neither WEF nor the security company are responsible for monitoring your belongings.
Exhibitors are advised to treat the exhibit hall as they would any large public area, and safeguard small valuables such as laptops, computer tablets, etc., and to be mindful of items like flash drives or memory cards and lead retrieval units. Whenever possible, small valuable items should be removed by the Exhibitor overnight for safekeeping.
At any time during move-in, show days, or move-out, if you have a security incident, such as materials damage or loss, please contact Show Management as quickly as possible. You may contact the Exhibition Management Office, a Floor Manager, or the Security Office.
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Suitcasing, the act of soliciting business in exhibit hall aisles, public spaces, hotels, parking lots, or surrounding areas of McCormick Place—is strictly prohibited for any person or company not exhibiting at WEFTEC. This includes solicitation in other booth spaces, open areas around the convention center, and hotels within the WEFTEC hotel block. Violators will face immediate termination of their contract or registration without refund.
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Selling in the Exhibition
The on-site sale and/or delivery of goods is not permitted. Any violation of this requirement will result in the termination of the existing contract for exhibit space without refund.
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Unfinished Booths
All displays must have a professional appearance. If any part of the display is unfinished or detracts from neighboring booths and/or show, that portion of the display must be properly draped or covered with appropriate materials. Show Management has the right to order proper “covering” of the unsightly area at the expense of the exhibitor.
Carper/Flooring is required for all exhibit booths, with the exception of booths in the Innovation Showcase and Discovery Zone which are carpeted. Show Management reserves the right to force carpet/flooring at the expense of the exhibitor.
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Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)
The Water Environment Federation allows unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), including drones and radio-operated blimps, to only be flown within the Drone Cage in the Advanced Technology Pavilion.
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Use of WEF Trademarks
WEF hereby grants to Exhibitor a non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free right and license to use any and all trademarks that WEF has developed specifically to identify solely the Exhibition, including the trademark WEFTEC® 2024 (WEF Trademarks) strictly as provided in this license. This right does not include the use of any trademarks which WEF has developed to identify any of its other activities or publications. WEF has the right, at its sole discretion, to terminate this license at any time and for any reason, and Exhibitor agrees to cease all use of WEF Trademarks immediately upon receipt of such notice. The WEF Trademarks shall be used only by Exhibitor and for the sole purpose of indicating to the public that Exhibitor will be present and exhibiting at the Exhibition. The WEF Trademarks shall be used in print, online, email, and exhibit display materials only prior to and during the Exhibition itself. This license shall terminate automatically at the close of the Exhibition. WEF Trademarks appearing in pictures and/or video recordings of an Exhibitor’s demonstrations or booth created during the Exhibition may be used and shown after the Exhibition provided the picture(s) and/or video are used primarily to show Exhibitor’s booth and do not prominently feature or focus on the WEF Trademarks. The WEF Trademarks shall not be used on any promotional materials of Exhibitor, including without limitation: clothing and wearing apparel, stationery, writing instruments, jewelry and accessories, toys and novelty items, and luggage. Exhibitor agrees not to use the WEF Trademarks in a manner which may create the impression that WEF endorses, sponsors or is otherwise affiliated with Exhibitor. Exhibitor agrees to use the Trademarks in a form identical to that used by WEF and not to alter, amend or mutilate the WEF Trademarks. WEF shall determine, at its sole discretion, whether usage of any WEF Trademark by Exhibitor is inconsistent with the educational mission of the Exhibition, or creates a less than positive, wholesome image of WEF, and Exhibitor agrees to cease any such unacceptable use immediately upon receipt of notice from WEF of such unacceptable use.
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Vehicle Display
The Water Environment Federation Show Management must be advised of all vehicles that will be displayed (regardless of whether they have previously been displayed at WEFTEC) by August 15, 2025. Provide the following information via email to
The following information must be included:
Please also review the Equipment & Floor Load Capacity section.
Vehicle Display Requirements:
McCormick Place Convention Center
Chicago, Ill. USA
Conference: September 27 - October 1, 2025
Exhibition: September 29 - October 1, 2025
WEF is committed to providing a professional, safe and welcoming environment during its in-person and virtual events for all water professionals and their guests. WEF expects all attendees, exhibitors, speakers, sponsors, media, and other participants to uphold our commitment to diversity and inclusion by helping us provide a positive conference environment for everyone.
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