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The Official News Source of WEFTEC

WEFTEC Now features timely coverage of major events leading up to, during, and after WEFTEC. This resource will become an enduring record of past WEFTEC conferences as well as provide notice of upcoming events and opportunities.

Click through the digital WEFTEC 2024 Conference Preview to learn more about the 2024 educational programming, see who...

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This year’s WEFTEC, the Water Environment Federation's Technical Exhibition and Conference, lived up to its reputation as the...

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Matt Clemson, President of Water for Oldcastle Infrastructure, came to the WEFETC Live Studio to talk about the...

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The 2023 WEF Community Service Project, titled, “Today’s Water Students, Tomorrow’s Water Leaders,” transformed drainage and flooding issues...

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Sponsored WEFTEC Product Launch presentations and Q&A sessions bring a new level of detail and technical specifications to...

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Drones take flight in the WEFTEC Exhibition....

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Sponsored WEFTEC Product Launch presentations and Q&A sessions bring a new level of detail and technical specifications to...

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Join us for “An Interactive Utility Discussion on Collection System Cleaning Programs: Building Consensus on a New Paradigm”...

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See a fantastic lineup of speakers, events, and networking sessions in the Innovation Showcase & Theater and the...

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Connect to the water sector gathering that is as essential as clean water! Use the official WEFTEC 2023...

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During the WEF Winter Meeting in February, the WEFTEC Program Committee made great progress on the educational programming...

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WEFTEC was proud to be back in New Orleans with its distinctive topography and unique water challenges....

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