The Official News Source of WEFTEC
WEFTEC Now features timely coverage of major events leading up to, during, and after WEFTEC. This resource will become an enduring record of past WEFTEC conferences as well as provide notice of upcoming events and opportunities.

Travis Numan, a researcher and Ph.D. student from the University of Nevada, Reno, took the stage in the...

Hear from Caroline Samberger, Principal Process Engineer at Stantec Ltd and an esteemed voice in the field of...

The Water Environment Federation (WEF) and the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP) named Dr. Belinda...

2023-2024 WEF President Aimeé Killeen discussed what’s on the horizon for WEF over the next year in the...

Shanti Tenneti, Director of Product Management for Oldcastle Infrastructure, and Larry Abatiell, Managing Director of the American Stormwater...

Amy Corriveau, President of Trinnex, talked about the launch of the waterCAST AI-enabled digital water platform. The platform...

Rick Sherman, Director of Sales at Lovibond, describes the company's approach of making both the testing instrument and...

The WEFTEC Live crew visited Jonathan Hamp-Adams, Senior Regional Sales Director for Grundfos in a very busy booth...

Author Charles Fishman, author of the 2011 book, The Big Thirst: The Secret Life and Turbulent Future of...

Marcus Bliss from Projectmates invited WEFTEC Live to share how this owner-focused construction management software equips users with...

Developing a passionate and diverse workforce is one of WEF's Strategic Goals. Angela Charles, Director of Charlotte Water...

Listen as Ryan Powers, Vice President of Marketing at Wager Company, describes the evolution of Wager's hydrogen sulfide...