The Official News Source of WEFTEC
WEFTEC Now features timely coverage of major events leading up to, during, and after WEFTEC. This resource will become an enduring record of past WEFTEC conferences as well as provide notice of upcoming events and opportunities.

Featured attractions at this year’s event featured several workshops that offered hands-on opportunities and enhanced interaction Getting...

Tom Ferguson, vice president of programming for Imagine H2O (San Francisco), introduced the WEFTalk series and set its...

Ifetayo Venner of Arcadis (Amsterdam, Netherlands), who grew up in Barbados, thanked the early mentors who helped her...

Michigan State University (East Lansing) microbiologist Joan Rose outlined some challenges that tomorrow’s global water sector will face:...

Carla Reid, general manager of the Washington (D.C.) Suburban Sanitation Commission (WSSC), offered the final WEFTalk. She took...
2017 brought the 90th WEFTEC. The conference’s roots stretch back to an October 1926 meeting in Chicago where...

10th Annual WEF Community Service Project Leaves a Lasting Mark in the Windy City As part...