The Official News Source of WEFTEC
WEFTEC Now features timely coverage of major events leading up to, during, and after WEFTEC. This resource will become an enduring record of past WEFTEC conferences as well as provide notice of upcoming events and opportunities.

Technology Spotlights (formerly called Mobile Sessions) bring potential customers and partners right to your booth. Participants are in...

Economical modifications help attain better biological phosphorus removal (Originally published in the June 2021 issue of Water...

We are excited to see you at WEFTEC 2021 this fall from October 16 through 20 in Chicago!...

Water sector ‘artists-in-residence’ take unique approaches to public outreach (Originally published in the May 2021 issue of...

The 2021 Operator Ingenuity contest will celebrate simple and creative solutions to common challenges developed by water and...

The December 2020 issue of Water Environment & Technology (WE&T) magazine, the official magazine of WEFTEC, contains a...

The Water Environment Federation is proud to announce two recipients of the 2020 Innovative Technology Awards. This competition...

What's better than a week of education, networking, and serious water sector business? Earning prizes for participating fully....

You cast hundreds of votes over two rounds to choose 374 Water (Durham, North Carolina) as the WEFTEC...

During WEFTEC Connect, the forward-thinking initiatives of 65 water utilities were recognized for reimagining partnering and engagement, watershed...