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The Official News Source of WEFTEC

WEFTEC Now features timely coverage of major events leading up to, during, and after WEFTEC. This resource will become an enduring record of past WEFTEC conferences as well as provide notice of upcoming events and opportunities.

The WEFTEC Global Center is a place to facilitate the match between international trade delegates and American exhibitors...

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The Water Environment Federation is pleased to offer a self-reported certificate and ribbon to WEFTEC attendees who attend...

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Water professionals can attract support, funding, and engagement by understanding how to use public communications strategically. WEFTEC 2019...

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Over the summer, Water Environment Federation recognized 43 water utilities for their industry-leading approaches to partnership and engagement,...

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The WEFTEC 2019 Utility Leaders Morning Plenary Session, hosted by Water Environment Federation (WEF) and the National Association...

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The WEFTEC Horizon Scan presents a global, forward-looking analysis on the future of the water sector validated with...

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Equipped with new skills that will help them drive solutions to the water sector’s most complex challenges, the...

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The WEFTEC Field Guide provides some of the day's new, lesser known, or otherwise noteworthy events. Check out...

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Thirty-two water utilities will be recognized on Tuesday, Oct. 2 for transformational work in community engagement, watershed stewardship,...

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